Take That, Stupid Glass House!

You're is a consenent for 'you are.' Your shows possesion. GET IT RIGHT, PEOPLE.

Overstated Brazillian Apology

I bought this paper as a try out and the results were excellent. I normally use Fine Art papers like Velvet Fine Art and Velvet Ultra Smooth papers for my photos and my preferred size is 13X19. That's because I like the feel and look of Velvet papers and I like big prints out. By using Epson profiles for the paper I got exactly the results I was looking for. Tonal range was great and the end result was that one couldn't almost be sure if it is a black & white film or a digital photo. B&H online service is very effective and fast and I'm very happy with the delivery system. I'm a brazilian living in Mexico so I apologies for my english.

(Only three minor mistakes, and one of them is within the apology itself! Sheesh! Why can't the truly stupid native speakers offer such apologies? - Ghielschutter)

Bad Brain Connection

have your grilfriends dad check the lag coming in the box to see that they are tright. because some tell they losen up and power be gone. it also could be at the meter to but if the power company was there they could trighten them up be cool wather lossen up and use loss power.

Interesting Misheard Phrases

• …you are the sucker for not taking it for grant it.

• Mine as well get a head start on the game…

Christian Sausage Talkers + Irony

• im a Christian but what the heck!? I went to this church once and they wanted this and they told us to not do a frontal hug, and they spoke in tongs..what the heck. Honestly, its so unneeded, this is ridicules. This is what makes Christians look so bad.

Skip The IMAX, Go Directly To Remedial English

We went to see this at the iMax Theatre and it was by far one of the greatest documentarys on ocean life we have seen...The symphany was georgous and well matched to the beautiful imagry in the film. The imagry had a great range and an even better message....Put all of this together and it makes for one of the best documentarys EVER! ... I thought a coulple of places in the film may have been a little intence for him...

(Georgous! I love that one. - Ghielschutter)

Vindication: Apology for No Good Reason

• yes you're completely right. This video shows that these girls are human and make mistakes like everybody else. But, in the high fashion industry, the girls have to appear perfect. I don't dream to be one of them because they have so much pressure and a very hard life that I don't envy. They are the real fashion victims... Excuse my horrible english, im french...

Call that horrible? A capital Y, capital I two commas and an apostrophe away from perfection? Sheesh! - Ghielschutter


• Stunning image! Just brathtaking...

• wow what loosers!

• you are a damn fool for letting your Grey to open a can of beer! and there is toxic on mental! (parrot)

• ...people in rabbit costumes intermittently spouting non-sequadors in a bizarre sitcom...
(To be fair, that's a tricky word. I know I had to look it up when I wanted to use it -Ghieslschutter)

• Tiger loves adultry.

• My favorait food is bacon rapped bacon balls rapped in bacon!

This guy seems to be doing some intentional phonetics for some reason:
• Anyway, I thought it was strange that the women were left out of the desishions too...It wasn't like Cuesack or the rushen guy were going to fly the plane. Anyway, grate show.
• I origonaly only maid this acount to shear my giantess movies with the comunity.

• But I guess not everyone thinks like me. ;(,,,,, china wins. We loose.

• dude that is so dog i feel so sorry its not even funny u should be ashamed to laugh u say u love her well its not funny its sad but go girl u got strate bakk up luv ya cuz

• go have sex with urslef (a typo of misspelled slang!)


larvatrong (13 hours ago)
he is just making a good noice.... I respect him in th band,but alone is ju as boring as a 12 year old booy trying to learn how to play
BlackHawkNor (7 hours ago)
Sigh, he's played drums for over twice the AGE of a 12 year old boy. Go somewhere else with your stupid comparisons.
larvatrong (2 hours ago)
"he´s played drums" , g some somewhere else with your stupid gramar

A Case For Euthanasia


Witness The Dumbing Down

• We all know of TC Electronics contributions to audio and you know its a reputable name bread.
• My mum keeps on telling me to eat the stocks of the broccoli
• Did you hear about the deaf mute who had turrets disease? They keep flipping the bird while they sign.
• katz r phukin ugly =C
• lol cats can beet some dogs in battle :) CATS R SUPERIOR TO DOGS BABY ( some are )
• y wud u put it in a little jar
• be cerfoll with your  ideus
• i need those dalek's or I will die!!!!!
• this guies don´t like people and they are gay
• so do you recomend woodlen sienics
• Foolish+Noobish cuz sucks just get a life and find a good trick not a noobish trick with smells or something train and u will succes (i hope)
• the best video i ever cn
• good inheel! (inhale)
• you´re gourgeous!
• did he lace his hand in tht thign was it called erm i cnt remember we done it in science put stuff on are arms and set are hole arm on fire
• Very cool :). But its slow motion, it happened alot faser in actual reality, that actually almost folled me for a second. Still looks like it hurds though.

Plural Possessive Clearing House

One complaint! On the intermodel car's,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE ! Get rid of those stupid Rapido couplers! PLEASE ! I have a couple dozen of the single car's and one set of the 5 unit articulated one's and have had to change all of the wheel set's out.I also to GRIND all of the car's wheel well's out on my bench grinder to get them to roll.I have tight turns on my layout and I had severe problems with the wheel's rubbing the center rib behind the wheel's.I do love them being made of metal though!

Dump Truck

• don't try to chaze it.

• he is so cute...^ __ ^ i used to have bunny ...but died becoz of aging...sob...

• Don't waist your time watching this!

• I'll start by saying I usually find something redeaming in every movie.

• I can loose weight.

• she needs to be more suttle.. seems like she was rushing to get it over with.

• they usually have a small mini tub that u can plug in and fill in with water and stones to warm up the stones right b4 a massage.

• because its really tan??? idk and it looked soft when he pressed down with his fingers really lightly so idk im gonna go with a person

• lol a woman did it to me but i think ure 2 relaxed and ure body feels floppy

• OUTCH so loud

• You are the best Halle the people are jalous of you

Pearls Before Swine

how come everyone wrightes like a paragraph?

what does wrightes mean?

As you know, paragraphs were an ancient practice within written communication where different sets of ideas were separated with blank space. Thanks to modern technology we can completely abandon outdated techniques like paragraphs as well as sentences, capitalization, punctuation and spelling. Although difficult to read, this development coincides with the increase in people having so little worthwhile to say. However, paragraphs are currently enjoying a "retro" resurgence in popularity.

thx now i just wasted 20 seconds of my life reading that

Well that's good, at least you can read, now you just have to work on the writing part. Of course your highly valuable time would probably better be spent throwing things at cars and prank calling suicide hotlines.

ok this is youtue you dont need to wright right.. fuck head

So you have different standards of spelling based on specific websites? You spell it "writes" on all other sites, but YouTube is a special exception where it's spelled "wrightes"? Very interesting. But it isn't so much about spelling as it is your original comment which has nothing whatsoever to do with this video. I don't understand why you would make a public confession that somehow a 500 character or less comment is too much for you to handle. But it does makes more sense to me now.

thats not even worth rading im done talken to u..im wasting my time with u


• lol i no lazy but crazy watching her in house of wax was hilarious she cant act lol just a hoar :P yeah ive got rightoues kill upstairs sud i watch it is it good be cuz i avnt seen it yet

• lol shut the fuck up i dont try to speak properly when im txt writing dick plus when i wrote that comment it was 12.34am so FACK AFF

Keyboard Follies

• What a senshus culture.

• Only if she kisses you twice after you buyed the 2.

• me too so could brake there ne knecks

• lmfao this vid. if fucking helarious

• excellent markinting tactic

• this is due to our liscence fee

• Holly parody......... he´s even better than the original one! (Mistletoe gets spoofed, or is it a girl? -Ghielschutter)

From a commercial website. For shame! But heck, a silent gh? I can play devil's advocate, even though this writer is probably not fighting the Man for keeping him down, or in a dire situation for that matter. -Ghielschuter

• Art Boards™ Uncradled Art Panels are easy to level, simply slide the panel horizontally until it hangs strait.

• We can't be rushed as your order comes to its final cleaning and your patients is appreciated. (No, it's not a hospital! -Ghielschutter)

Sterio System?

• Since then, I have had two recalls, my sterio just stopped working, and at times I think the whole thing is just gonna fall apart like in the cartoons.


May I Suggest Grammar School?


• May I sedjust some subtle changes to that list.

Political Spelling Scandals

• The fact is, our world is sexist and prejudice.

• On the flip side though, people who support tax and are against the use of force are also hypocritcs.

• many people seem to be at the point where they think obama is a merical worker or can't do anything wrong.

• we can easily replace animal carcus's from our diets

• volentarianism

• look at the science... not the capitolism.

• I assume the DRO would assume that roll?

• I think it is reasonable to assume that MOST hardcore anti-abortionists are also religous extreamests, or at least have a good bit of religious influence in there lives.


• The women, now who couldn't love them, especially if you have a freckle fedish.

• Or we can just continue to feed Franks fedish,,,

Some Favorites

• Little ampplituce but high frequncy.

• I wanna see an amputy growing a new limp using the power of his mind!

• Designed after the idea of a coal furness.

• Don Knox could have played the part.

• i got tootally scammed

• My 2D before and after restauration, (restoration) (Turning a building into a restaurant?)

• or we can have the graphic artiest work with the image.

• One must conclude that the Merlin VSM MXs are the best speaker ever made bar nun!

Croco-Pope Battles At Kruger

Golly, it's so much work to type ALL the letters in each word, isn't it? But hey, at least he invented a new verb. - Ghielschutter)

• that aligator scard the crap out of the lions when it poped up

• wat the hel..n da coracodils???

(Congratulations idiot, you spelled ONE word right in your sentence. - Ghielschutter)

Buncha Loosers

If you leave aside "you", "your", "you're" and their horrid text messaging-inspired truncations, then Loose for Lose is probably the most popular misspelling of all. I know there's not a lot here, but quite frankly they are a bit boring to collect as they are so common. "Loosly" is pretty choice, though. - Ghielschutter

• This is loosly based ona real case study.

• Mine is a passion so I can see your point on loosing the rear vision with the rag top.

• If you find you don't need the TS, then loose the accessories.

• The good news is if I loose it I already have a back up.

• In the future I'll be sure to plan for tabs to keep from loosing the piece into the tank.

• OK, don't loose any time now and let them engineer that electrical car that is light…

And now, an entire paragraph with looses planted all over it like landmines. Courtesy of Bruce W:

Sharpness of Sheet Film vs Roll Film
From a mechanical standpoint, you loose some and you gain some. You loose when you decouple the lens from the camera body. You loose when you aren't using roll film that you can keep under tension. You loose a bit more as your film size goes up but your base thickness stays the same. You loose a little because your LF lenses aren't as sharp as the smaller format lenses. You loose a little because LF forces you to shot at smaller f/stops and corresponding slower shutter speeds. And film area is sufficient for huge prints from moderate enlargement factors, meaning that what sharpness you might loose, doesn't show in the prints.

Second Lose for Loose Discovered

• HAHA, theres a gorilla on the lose!


• This Metallica backlash is Karma for their cow-towing.

kowtow |ˈkouˈtou|verb [ intrans. ] historical
kneel and touch the ground with the forehead in worship or submission as part of Chinese custom.
figurative act in an excessively subservient manner : she didn't have to kowtow to a boss.

noun historical
an act of kneeling and touching the ground with the forehead in such a way.


• AWESOME Guitar. I never played on a guitar like this before. The sound and the finition are over the competition

• u are only fuckin'g ridicolous..he's only amazing.. (Italian, but I'm not cutting him too much slack for this slop)

• most effect pedals are dumby proof and you can just figure it out, but this one is not.

• yes, he's a great virtuoso...but I think Malmsteen has a serious problem... LACK OF RYTHIM!!!

• when people see me play they stand in aww of what is going on and struggle to get there heads around how I am performing the music.
(No, if a kitten was playing an instrument people would stand and "awww" -Ghielschutter)

• i like the brods in the background and nice metal riff (broads,women)

• when u press it, u play something, and when u press it again it keeps playing whatever u just played, so u can do like 2 part harmonies by urself


This is one of my absolute favorites. The faulty commas in the wrong places makes for comedy gold! Then the last sentence is one big brain fart. I love it! -Ghielschutter

• I will run couple tests, I make small solutions of fresh pyrocat and see, how it goes. I'd rather throw bad stock only instead both.

• Super-resolution sharpening-demosaicking method for removing image blurs caused by an optical low-pass filter (Japanese)

• cameras last for a livetime

• I did once an outside session with the Cambo Legend and it was a real paine! (Thomas?)

• But in most cases, no needs to change camera every year... except to make shure that you have a stronger ... than your neighbourg...

• And if you would try to do something with the pictures, like selling, you will see that the D30 files are to small or to noisy.

• sharpness w/o shift is fine…but unsufficient on 1ds3.

• Another LF photographer told me what I thought was a humerous story.

• 3. pics to dark.

• you get fucking good collers

The Wrong Word pt. 2

• moderators feel free to dilute this post...

• I suspect Mr Simmons will find his list of winners in a day or two and publish them as if nothing was ever a rye.

• Not only do these DVDs contain great comedy, but they also contain great interviews and inciteful commentary.

Punctuation Folly - Plural Apostrophes

• I wish I was raking in the $'s to be able to afford it, Jennifer.

• And backup's are still needed.

• Lot's of fun!

• Dude Bill Bailey is one of the best comedian's ever!

• klaus will update his web page the day after hell freeze's over

• Line Array's from Selah, the VMPS RMX, Dunlavy SC VI, Avant Garde Duo's, all will get you close.

• I know this will be shocking, but I would vote for the Vandersteen 5A's

• The bigger Magnepan's

• I also downloaded the Turbo Start, and Workshop PDF's from the website.

• For most camera's, including the TLR's you have diopter inserts.

• ShadesofPaper will give you a couple boxes of 8.5x11" paper for every 20 cart's.

• The other cat just pee's on stuff.

• A loopstation jam. Please share more loopstation video's with youtube!

• This video proof's you can Rock out at any age, awesome bro.

• funny stuff fella's.....

• If u check out Iniquity's first album "Serenadium" you will find lot's of doom inspired riffs

• congrat's

• Congrad's

• Could i please get your opinion's on "The Zeitgeist Movement" which is about living a highly technological cash-less resourced based society where no matter what you contribute to society you get rewarded no more than someone who contribrute's nothing and decision's are arrived at through the scientific method for the benefit of everybody, there are no government or ism's


• he has feallings

• Sorry I'm late Happy Birthday!! Do u feal any older?

• that is cool i feal it


• Yes, it's a cheap and boaring show

• I want moar supernews

• here's a solution: get rid of money over all MUCH less crimes, MOAR food, faster progressing science, etc

• 1. Poast this to 3 other videos

• The hoaky backwater beliefs are fading away.

Fat Dachshunds

This is a lost quote which seems to have disappeared. I present it here based on my memory only. I am pretty sure this is right, though. It was a YouTube comment about dachshund dogs being overweight and at risk for back trouble. -Ghielschutter

if they get to fat it can brack there backs or the sleep a disc

What A Difference One Word Makes

This is an otherwise fine sentence, but when I first read it my mind was strained. I read it over and over again and couldn't make sense of it. But it's just missing one word in the last sentence! I can see it clearly now, but at the time it really stumped me. Weird. See if you can find it. -Ghielschutter

About three years ago my youngest son shipped an entire record collection to Australia that completely filled up three sea frieght containers. They were valued at over three million dollars then. When inspected the containers he saw brand new and sealed Beatles LP's as well as just about anybody else you could think of.

• Nice pictures! Scary, knew a company in the process of archiving their data from a 5.25" floppy.

(Could use a "That's" and an "I" maybe? - Ghielschutter)

A Little Irony

You are already saying the comebacks in your own mind! :) -Ghielschutter

• what should I studie to become a neuroscientist?

• It is my weekest subject.

• i know right thats just stupied i mean your 11 have some commen sence

Blowing Gorillas To Hell

This came from a review of the movie "Predator" that had me in stitches. Jane Goodall would not be pleased with this one! Way to go, "brokenrubber"!

"I ain't got time to bleed." You wanna talk about a balls out action flick for da boys, you need not look any further than Predator buddy. You got AHHHnorld, Apollo Creed, The body, and all sorts of misc. schmucks blowing gorillas to hell. Then out of the blue this rasta martian shows up to collect some skulls. It ends with a big friggin nuclear boom, and AHHHHnorld standin' tall. Rent it, and get loaded.

Willfull Ignorance

This is the ugly stuff. This is the kind of pride in one's own laziness and stupidity that really sticks in my craw. This type of reaction can occur when one user corrects another (not that you can't be mean about it, but correcting errors is, well, correct.) -Ghielschutter

Oh i didnt know that youtube suddenly became my english language arts class haha your a loser this is the computer and its called computer talk maybe if you used modern day things like the cell phone where ppl dont want to spell the whole thing out bc its a waste of time unless you have nothing better to do which you proably dont and aim you wuld know shutup i'll spell the way i want to ok;) and idk care keep putting the hands down thing on here idc because it wasnt meant for you

Overreacting Sarcasm
Note the ratings. Willful ignorance is praised with thumbs up.
agy44 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +2
your hilarious, im glad a guy, like myself, can watch this and find humor in it.

Biznatchio69 (2 weeks ago) -3
It's "You're Hilarious".

agy44 (2 weeks ago) +5
wow, im glad you caught my grammatical travesty. i deserve to have my fingers cut off! thanks friend.

I've got your back, Biznatchio69, don't take any of that crap. Fight the good fight every moment, every minute every daaaayyeeeeee… (Sorry, got on a Triumph tangent there.)

• well excuse me if i speeled it wrong. get a life and change your icon natzi

Ridge\Ridged for Rigid

• That's why when we frame a house ("light frame construction") that a wall is not ridge until it's cross braced.

• Anyhow all that needs to be done to make the MFT ridge is a brace from the rail to the lower part of the leg.

• I need 2 ridged fiberglass panels. I want to purchase two 2'x4' by 2" ridged fiberglass to finish off a couple GIK tricorners for 9 foot room.

One Of A Thousand YouTube Train Wrecks

It's hideous, but you can't look away! (Note: user is age 32, from Canada - with any luck in the French parts. No, it can't be. I think this person must just be a proper idiot. This is a response to a YouTube video where some warehouse workers broke an overhead light fixture with a football. -Ghielschutter)

if the job is a reno job foot ball are graight way to smash the foresent lights and sealing tiles down its better to kik the ball at it the throw it but we throw a nerf foot ball from the doller store at are work place and its not a big deal if the boss take it away just don't say its yours just bring a frissbe or football just leave it someware at your work place let the monkys find it then you get in the game and they get in shit from it

Lose for Loose (Rare)

I constantly see the reverse of this one, but this is the only one I've found so far.

• The very lose and liberal interpretation by police at their convenience is alarming.

Oops, Wrong Word!

• In what area can police shot an unarmed non violent person without reproductions?

• This movie reminds the audience to cherish our rites, no matter how beef-witted.

• Her creativity and originality never seizes to amaze me.

• For all intensive purposes
• She had so much 'roids inside her for all intensive purposes she was a man
(One of my top favorites! Thanks, thechairguy! -Ghielschutter)

• That is the reason that dinosuars are instinct X3


• The first president to be photographed was John Quincy Adams. It was a Durangotype photo.

• Just the fact you cleverly "wind" these soup box preachings

• My response was, "Does a guy have to go into a triad or make threats in order to get your attention?"
(there was some contention about this one on the forum from where it came, but I'm leaving it cause I think it's still funny. - Ghielschutter)

• why doese the book need this so caled hed bang? ("head band" A bookbinding video comment. As a metalhead I find this amusing. Plus it has "doese", bonus! -Ghielschutter)

• I don't want to set a president or deal with any bad pub about giving out an email.

• I think Brett has all the reasons to come back to play for a playoff caliper team but he is ready to move on with his life.

Who is the hobbiest of all?

• I am just a hobbiest and the price was a bit much.

• Great for the hobbiest I would suggest.

• Certainly CD or computer music servers take from the physical interaction and "hobbiest" aspects of vinyl or open reel formats.

• Good Working Condition For the framing professional or hobbiest

HOBBIST (Super rare, only found once. It's probably just a typo, but still funny.-Ghielschutter)
• I am a dentist and a hobbist woodworker with a Shopsmith, a Rout-R-Slide (Jessem), and a Sears sanding station.

Lobby, Lobbier, Lobbiest!

• In a world where congressmen and lobbiests are the only people left completely free to trade at will, perhaps it's there, that Austrians ought to be focusing their attentions?

• Aaron is great in his role as the smoking lobbiest.

• Rather, it tells a story about lobbiests - those people paid to speak for and defend the indefendible. (erm...)

• Very low key attempt at satirizing the tobacco lobby, and Washington lobbiests in particular.

• the problem i have with a bigger government is that tax money has to go through a bunch of middle men and that leaves room for lobbiest to come in


A man named Michael tells us about a new kind of hybrid animal, or is it a power tool accessory? This is one of my favorites.

Oh, and the worst accessory: hoose with built in cable. I bought the 27mm hoose with the built in cable. I thought it would be nice to get rid of the cable. But it turned out that the cable runs inside of the allready small 27mm hoose. I have had to many stuck chips in this hoose, so I rarely use it anymore. Nice thing with the cleaning set in my last post is the 36mm hoose. If you use the planer you'll need the 36mm to get rid of the chips as fast as the planer produces them. And.. buy or build a good hoose holder to put on the wall. You don't want to hang your expensive hooses over a nail as they will break eventually. I use one of these for my hooses: And.. I use a smaller version for my cables: And.. buy the green hooses - they are antistatic.
also hooze \ˈhüz\
Function: noun
Verminous bronchitis of cattle, sheep, and goats caused by larval strongylid roundworms irritating the bronchial tubes and producing a dry hacking cough—called also husk, lungworm disease

Welcome To The Grammar Graveyard


I have been collecting various spelling and grammar atrocities as I go through the internet into a text file and I thought I would share it. Perhaps not the greatest idea I've ever had, but then again could it be as pointless and self-absorbed as any other blog? Of course not! If nothing else the internet is the biggest enabler of publishing that which ought not be published, so what difference is a few more scraps on the Mountain Of Garbage?

Sometimes the mistakes are funny, sometimes annoying, and most times I cannot fathom how stupid the writer can be. There's one thing I want to make clear; although it's difficult to tell the nature of the person making the hideous blunders, I make an effort to not poke fun at non-native English speakers. I'm a middle aged guy from the USA who only speaks English, so I'm in no position to dump on anyone who is bilingual for their spelling. However, this is not usually the case. Non-native English speakers are always bending over backwards to apologize for their writing. The target of this blog are those who are either humorously in error, or those who are willfully ignorant and stupid. If the writer is from a 'foreign country' I will cut them some slack and usually include a note in parentheses.

Well okay, enough disclaimers. On with the mind-numbing insanity that is internet commentary!

-Ghielschutter Froebert