Oh i didnt know that youtube suddenly became my english language arts class haha your a loser this is the computer and its called computer talk maybe if you used modern day things like the cell phone where ppl dont want to spell the whole thing out bc its a waste of time unless you have nothing better to do which you proably dont and aim you wuld know shutup i'll spell the way i want to ok;) and idk care keep putting the hands down thing on here idc because it wasnt meant for you
Overreacting Sarcasm
Note the ratings. Willful ignorance is praised with thumbs up.
agy44 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +2
your hilarious, im glad a guy, like myself, can watch this and find humor in it.
Biznatchio69 (2 weeks ago) -3
It's "You're Hilarious".
agy44 (2 weeks ago) +5
wow, im glad you caught my grammatical travesty. i deserve to have my fingers cut off! thanks friend.
I've got your back, Biznatchio69, don't take any of that crap. Fight the good fight every moment, every minute every daaaayyeeeeee… (Sorry, got on a Triumph tangent there.)
• well excuse me if i speeled it wrong. get a life and change your icon natzi